연습장/HackerRank 문제풀이
[HackerRank - Easy] Beautiful Pairs - JavaScript
🔗 문제 링크 https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/beautiful-pairs/problem?isFullScreen=true Beautiful Pairs | HackerRank Change an element of B and calculate the number of pairwise disjoint beautiful pairs. www.hackerrank.com ✏️ 풀이 function beautifulPairs(A, B) { const getIntegers = (arr) => arr.reduce((acc, v) => { if (acc[v]) { acc[v]++; } else { acc[v] = 1; } return acc; }, {}); const intA = getI..
[HackerRank - Easy] Ice Cream Parlor - JavaScript
🔗 문제 링크 https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/icecream-parlor/problem?isFullScreen=true Ice Cream Parlor | HackerRank Help Sunny and Johnny spend all their money during each trip to the Ice Cream Parlor. www.hackerrank.com ✏️ 풀이 function icecreamParlor(m, arr) { const prices = arr.reduce((acc, v) => { if (acc[v]) { acc[v]++; } else { acc[v] = 1; } return acc; }, {}); const firstPrice = Number( O..
[HackerRank - Easy] Weighted Uniform Strings - JavaScript
🔗 문제 링크 https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/weighted-uniform-string/problem Weighted Uniform Strings | HackerRank Determine if a string contains uniform substrings of certain weights. www.hackerrank.com ✏️ 풀이 function weightedUniformStrings(s, queries) { const chars = {}; s.match(/(.)\1{0,}/g).forEach(str => { if (!chars[str[0]]) { chars[str[0]] = str.length; } else { chars[str[0]] = Math.max(..
[HackerRank - Easy] Two Characters - JavaScript
🔗 문제 링크 https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/two-characters/problem?isFullScreen=true Two Characters | HackerRank Print the length of the longest possible string $t$ you can form. www.hackerrank.com ✏️ 풀이 function alternate(s) { const isAlternate = (str) => [...str].every((v, i) => i % 2 ? v === str[1] : v === str[0]); const chars = [...new Set(s)]; let maxLength = 0; for (let i = 0; i < chars...
[HackerRank - Easy] Super Reduced String - JavaScript
🔗 문제 링크 https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/reduced-string/problem?isFullScreen=true Super Reduced String | HackerRank Given a string, repeatedly remove adjacent pairs of matching characters and then print the reduced result. www.hackerrank.com ✏️ 풀이 function superReducedString(s) { const stack = []; [...s].forEach(letter => { if (stack[stack.length - 1] === letter) { stack.pop(); } else { sta..
[HackerRank - Easy] Flatland Space Stations - JavaScript
🔗 문제 링크 https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/flatland-space-stations/problem?isFullScreen=true Flatland Space Stations | HackerRank Find the maximum distance an astronaut needs to travel to reach the nearest space station. www.hackerrank.com ✏️ 풀이 function flatlandSpaceStations(n, c) { c.sort((a, b) => a - b); let max = Math.max(c[0], n - c[c.length - 1] - 1); for (let i = 0; i < c.length - 1; ..
[HackerRank - Easy] Big Sorting - JavaScript
🔗 문제 링크 https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/big-sorting/problem?isFullScreen=true Big Sorting | HackerRank Sort an array of very long numeric strings. www.hackerrank.com ✏️ 풀이 function bigSorting(unsorted) { return unsorted.sort((a, b) => { if (a.length === b.length) { for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (a[i] === b[i]) { continue; } return a[i] - b[i]; } return 0; } return a.length - b.le..